1 不对劲儿的车 There Is Something Wrong with the Car
8 不愿离开牢房的人 The Man Unwilling to Leave Prison
17 池塘里的眉笔 The Eyebrow Pencil in the Pond
26 都是为了爱 All for Love
32 副经理秘史 The Secret History of an Assistant Manager
37 姑妈回城 Aunt Returns to the Town
41 行刑人 Executioner
46 花生仁儿 Peanut Kernel
51 化妆间里的眼药水 Eye Drop in the Dressing Room
60 机舱里的钟声 The Bells of the Airplane Cabin
63 贾丁舅舅 Uncle Jardine
68 金蝉脱壳 Escape Plan
86 惊弓之鸟 A Bird That Starts at the Sight of a Bow
92 口袋中的交易 Transaction in the Pocket
98 老夫少妻 May-December Marriage
102老妇人 Old Lady
110老江湖 An Old Traveler
112连环结 Interlink Knots
124两个老头 Two Old Men
134漏洞 Loophole
138律师太太 Lawyer’s Wife
143妈妈的金戒指 Mother’s Gold Ring
148谋杀1990 The Murder of 1990
158谋杀艺术家 The Murder of the Artists
168奇怪的凶器 Strange Lethal Weapon
172汽车后座上的手 The Hand on the Back Seat of the Car
182欠情 In Debt
186亲自动手 Do It Yourself
192人生指南 Life Handbook
199生意 Business
203事故的寡妇 The Widow of the Accident
216他是谁 Who Is He
222套 The Trap
228特别债券 The Special Bonds
234偷梁换柱 Perpetrate a Fraud
239亡命猎手 Desperate Hunters
259无名火起 The Unaccountable Anger
262无人之境 The Uninhabited Land
267午夜追踪 Midnight Tracking
278星期三班车 Shuttle Bus on Wednesday
283猩猩的悲剧 The Tragedy of the Apes
293虚幻的绿色 Visional Green
298椰子糖 Coconut Candy
305一杯草药茶 A Cup of Herb Tea
313以牙还牙 An Eye for an Eye
318丈母娘的电话 Mother-in-Law’s Phone
328 职业刺客 Professional Assassin
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