亢龙有悔 highlight dragon’s shame <br>飞龙在天 flying in the sky <br>见龙在田 i see you on the farm <br>鸿渐于陆 D day <br>潜龙勿用 don’t borther me while i’m sleeping <br>利涉大川 it’s time for swimming <br>突如其来 an accident <br>震惊百里 bang <br>或跃在渊 fire in the hole <br>双龙取水 dragon couple with water <br>鱼跃于渊 fish also can fly <br>时乘六龙 i have 6 BMW <br>密云不雨 have girlfirend without wife <br>损则有孚 you lost <br>龙战于野 battle outside <br>履霜冰至 SARS is coming <br>羝羊触蕃 moujie ding! <br>神龙摆尾 gone with wind <br> 汗~ 这是楼主自己编的吧?还i have six BMW~汗~